Collected Gobiidae and identified Gobiidae
Collected Parulidae and identified Pyramidellidae
Edward Braun
United States
Collected Candidae
Allen Collins
United States
Collected Xanthidae
Collected Poritidae and identified Saxifragaceae
Collected Eunicidae and identified Styelidae
Collected Mithracidae and identified Cassiopeidae
Collected Aglaopheniidae and identified Nephtheidae
Collected Nephtheidae and identified Dromiidae
Collected Laridae and identified Carangidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Acrididae and identified Phlaeothripidae
Collected Xanthidae and identified Holothuriidae
Collected Pottiaceae and identified Chondropsidae
Jacques Simon Zaneveld
December 09, 1909 – September 15, 2001
Kingdom of the Netherlands; United States of America
Collected Ulvaceae and identified Characeae