Collected Marasmiaceae and identified Mycenaceae
Collected Cortinariaceae and identified Cortinariaceae
Egil Bendiksen
Collected Cortinariaceae and identified Cortinariaceae
Collected Juncaceae and identified Fomitopsidaceae
Collected Cortinariaceae and identified Cortinariaceae
Collected Russulaceae and identified Polyporaceae
Identified Agaricaceae
Collected Ranunculaceae and identified Rosaceae
Collected Pyronemataceae and identified Helvellaceae
Collected Schizoporaceae and identified Fomitopsidaceae
Collected Lycoperdaceae and identified Lycoperdaceae
Reidar Elven
Collected Poaceae and identified Poaceae
Collected Hymenochaetaceae and identified Peniophoraceae
Identified Saxifragaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Hypoxylaceae
Gro Gulden
Collected Hymenogastraceae and identified Tricholomataceae
Collected Rosaceae and identified Brassicaceae
Collected Polyporaceae and identified Meruliaceae
Collected Rhytismataceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Cortinariaceae and identified Cortinariaceae
Collected Hymenochaetaceae and identified Hymenochaetaceae
Edvin W. Johannesen
Collected Stemonitidaceae and identified Stemonitidaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Brassicaceae
Collected Pucciniaceae and identified Pucciniaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Cyperaceae
Collected Polygonaceae and identified Caryophyllaceae
Collected Polyporaceae and identified Stereaceae
Collected Cyperaceae and identified Lycopodiaceae
Collected Poaceae and identified Fabaceae
Collected Sistotremataceae and identified Sistotremataceae